Edelsteen op werking

Edelsteen op werking

Welke Edelsteen geeft Kracht?

Which Gemstone Gives Strength?

Are you looking for a gemstone for strength ? In this blog I am going to tell you which gemstone can give strength. In principle, each gemstone has its own...

Which Gemstone Gives Strength?

Are you looking for a gemstone for strength ? In this blog I am going to tell you which gemstone can give strength. In principle, each gemstone has its own...

Edelsteen voor rust

Gemstone for tranquility

You increasingly hear that people suffer from stress, anxiety and sleep problems, depression or just restlessness. The world is getting faster and therefore demands more of us. How do you...

Gemstone for tranquility

You increasingly hear that people suffer from stress, anxiety and sleep problems, depression or just restlessness. The world is getting faster and therefore demands more of us. How do you...

Drie edelstenen voor de liefde

Three gems for love

Love comes in many forms, be it romantic, friendly or platonic relationships . Gemstones have been embraced by mankind for centuries. Not only because of their beautiful appearance, but especially...

Three gems for love

Love comes in many forms, be it romantic, friendly or platonic relationships . Gemstones have been embraced by mankind for centuries. Not only because of their beautiful appearance, but especially...

Edelstenen voor zelfvertrouwen

Three gems for self-confidence

Are you looking for a gemstone that helps to boost your self-confidence ? Do you sometimes feel insecure and do you want to be stronger in your own strength ?...

Three gems for self-confidence

Are you looking for a gemstone that helps to boost your self-confidence ? Do you sometimes feel insecure and do you want to be stronger in your own strength ?...

Drie edelstenen tegen Stress

Three Gemstones against stress

Do you suffer from tensions, anxiety or stress and do you suffer from this? Are you perhaps looking for a gemstone that helps with stress ? Then read in this...

Three Gemstones against stress

Do you suffer from tensions, anxiety or stress and do you suffer from this? Are you perhaps looking for a gemstone that helps with stress ? Then read in this...

Edelsteen voor rust in je hoofd

Gemstone for peace of mind

If you are busy in your head a lot, you can lose connection with your feeling and the body. This can then cause you to be restless or suffer from...

Gemstone for peace of mind

If you are busy in your head a lot, you can lose connection with your feeling and the body. This can then cause you to be restless or suffer from...