
Zenvya in the store

Discover Zenvya gemstone jewelry in the store too! At the moment we do not have our own shop yet, but you can discover the jewelery at the points of sale below:

Naturalis Museum Shop
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden

Luna Ilena Spirit & Stones
Trasmolenlaan 12, 3447GZ Woerden

Kerkstraat 10, 6981CM Doesburg

Ganzheitliche Naturkosmetik
Wittenberger Straße 16
06772 Tornau OT Gräfenhainichen (Germany)

Want to sell Zenvya jewelry in your store?

Do you have a shop and would you like to sell gemstone jewelry? That is possible with Zenvya. More information can be found on this page !